Sunday, December 17, 2017

A practitioner guide on managerial intellectual learning - cover

A practitioner guide on managerial intellectual learning

Joseph, K.K. Ho
Dated: December 19, 2017

The management education is a dynamic fertile subject domain; at the same time, many management practitioners and students are willing and have been spending tremendous time and money to learn management subjects of all kinds. As a researcher and teacher on systems thinking and a number of management disciplines, the concern of how to effectively learn management knowledge to develop managerial competence has been the life-long one for this writer to address. A major research project taken up by the writer in this regard is the multi-perspective, systems-based (MPSB) research that was launched in 1992 as his Ph.D. thesis. Based on this early work on the MPSB research, the writer began in 2013 to examine and publish academic articles on managerial intellectual learning (MIL). Now, it is considered ripe to produce a practitioner guide on managerial intellectual learning. To do so, the writer organizes the published works on MIL and presents the ideas in a much less academic tone so that it is more comprehensible to practitioners who are not academically sophisticated in the academic field of management. Therefore, the book makes much reduced use of academic referencing and academic jargon. It does include a reading list at the end of each chapter, so that more serious readers can gain a more in-depth grasp of the content by studying the relevant academic works. The overall aim of the book, then, is to provide an accessible guide to readers to learn management knowledge via a personal, informal, sustainable, engaging and fruitful pathway. This guide intends to represent and promote the writer's accumulated experience and research findings on MIL to intellectually unsophisticated readers who are nevertheless interested in building up managerial competence via effective and enjoyable learning of the broad subject of management.

Chapter 1
The objectives and overview of managerial intellectual learning
Chapter 2
Securing the conditions and resources for managerial intellectual learning
Chapter 3
The process framework on managerial intellectual learning
Chapter 4
Literature review practice for managerial intellectual learning
Chapter 5
Managerial intellectual learning for managerial practices
Chapter 6
Coaching and e-learning support for managerial intellectual learning
Chapter 7
Managerial intellectual learning  for scholar-practitioners
Chapter 8
Concluding remarks



  1. The doc link:
