Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A rough attempt to use cognitive mapping to explore "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]"

A rough attempt to use cognitive mapping to explore "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]". The purpose is to demonstrate how to support exploratory reflection and learning on the topic for doing Housing Research Methods assignment for my students.

I have produced a rough sketch of my [partial] impression on the the topic of "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]" in the form of a cognitive map, as follows:

The cognitive map items are as follows:

Item 1. Impacts due to covid-19
Item 2. Impact of the lock-down policy
Item 3. Impacts on the service sector, notably on tourism
Item 4. Impact on consumer behavior
Item 5. Impact of labor supply
Item 6. Impact on work-from-home practice
Item 7. Disruption to supply chain
Item 8. Burden on government spending
Item 9. Impact on inflation rate
Item 10. Impact on building [e.g. house] construction
Item 11. Impact on GDP
Item 12. Impact on interest rate
Item 13. Impact on house supply
Item 14. Impact on house demand
Item 15. Impact on housing affordability

Students should construct their own cognitive map in response to more specific research project scope, e.g. with regard to a specific district and/or social group. There should be some preliminary research efforts, e.g. desk research, to inform the cognitive map construction by the students.

A list of study note on using cognitive mapping to study a housing studies' topic

A list of study note on using cognitive mapping to study a housing studies' topic

Note 1. On homelessness of a girl in Tokyo

Note 2. On homelessness in California

Note 3. On "defective" home ownership (Australia)

Note 4. On housing affordability HK (news article study)

Note 5. On impact of covid-19 HK (news article study)

Note 6a. An exploratory exercise to examine the impact of covid-19 on housing affordability (HK) : techniques for class exercise

Note 6b. An exploratory exercise to examine the impact of covid-19 on housing affordability (HK): a rough sketch