Thursday, September 5, 2024

Asking chatgpt to come up with a dissertation proposal based on post-positivism: a note for housing studies students

Asking chatgpt (accessed via to come up with a dissertation proposal based on post-positivism: a note for housing studies students.

The following is my record of dialogue with chatgpt on the topic of the relationship between gender relations and home ownership in Hong Kong in 2024:

My question 1: "I am a part-time Undergraduate Housing Studies student. I am currently working on the formulation of my dissertation proposal; my research theme is on the relationship between gender relations and home ownership in Hong Kong 2024. The research philosophy I am going to use is post-positivism; I will employ semi-structured interview, questionnaire survey and desk research on some externally available data (both quantitative and qualitative) for analysis. Thus my overall research methodology is mixed methods research. With these preferred ideas from me, could you come up with a research proposal for me to consider? Before doing so, please also tell me 6 basic ideas underlying post-positivism. Tks a lot."

The reply from Chatgpt: "Certainly! Here are six basic ideas underlying post-positivism:

Fallibility of Knowledge: Post-positivism acknowledges that our understanding of the world is inherently imperfect and subject to revision. Knowledge is approached as tentative rather than absolute.

Reality is Complex: It recognizes that reality is multifaceted and influenced by various factors, including social, cultural, and historical contexts. This complexity necessitates a pluralistic approach to research.

Use of Multiple Methods: Post-positivists advocate for mixed methods research, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to gain a more comprehensive understanding of research questions.

Critical Realism: While recognizing the existence of an objective reality, post-positivism emphasizes that our perceptions of that reality are shaped by our experiences and biases.

Theoretical Frameworks: It often employs theoretical frameworks to guide research, allowing for the interpretation of data within a broader context and contributing to theory development.

Ethical Considerations: Post-positivism places importance on the ethical implications of research, recognizing the impact of research findings on individuals and communities.

Research Proposal

Title: The Relationship Between Gender Relations and Home Ownership in Hong Kong: A Mixed Methods Approach


The dynamics of home ownership in Hong Kong are shaped by various socio-economic factors, among which gender relations play a critical role. This research aims to explore how gender influences home ownership patterns, decision-making processes, and access to housing.

Research Objectives

To analyze the impact of gender on home ownership rates in Hong Kong.

To investigate how gender relations affect decision-making in home purchases.

To identify barriers faced by different genders in accessing home ownership.

Research Questions

How do home ownership rates differ between genders in Hong Kong?

What roles do gender norms and relations play in the decision-making process for home purchases?

What external factors (e.g., economic, social) influence gender disparities in home ownership?


This research will adopt a mixed methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods:

Semi-Structured Interviews: Conduct interviews with homeowners, potential buyers, and housing experts to gather in-depth insights into personal experiences and perceptions regarding gender and home ownership.

Questionnaire Survey: Develop and distribute a survey targeting a diverse sample of residents in Hong Kong to quantitatively assess gender differences in home ownership, preferences, and barriers.

Desk Research: Analyze existing data from governmental and non-governmental sources, academic literature, and relevant reports to provide context and support the qualitative findings.

Data Analysis

Qualitative data from interviews will be analyzed using thematic analysis, identifying key themes related to gender and home ownership.

Quantitative data from surveys will be analyzed using statistical methods to identify patterns and correlations.

Expected Outcomes

This research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the intersection between gender and home ownership in Hong Kong, providing insights that could inform policy decisions and housing initiatives.


By highlighting the importance of gender relations in home ownership, this study seeks to illuminate the barriers and challenges faced by different genders, ultimately contributing to more equitable housing policies in Hong Kong.

Feel free to adjust any sections to better fit your vision for your dissertation!"

My question 2: "Tks for your proposal made; could you provide a more detailed research design on the semi-structured interview and explain how it is linked to post-positivism in this case? Tks."

The reply from Chatgpt: "Certainly! Here’s a more detailed research design for the semi-structured interviews, along with an explanation of how it connects to post-positivism.

Research Design for Semi-Structured Interviews

1. Objectives of the Interviews

The semi-structured interviews aim to:

Gather in-depth insights into individuals' experiences related to gender and home ownership.

Explore participants' perceptions of gender roles in the housing market.

Identify barriers and facilitators of home ownership as experienced by different genders.

2. Participant Selection

Sample Size: Aim for 15-20 participants to ensure a diversity of perspectives while allowing for in-depth analysis.

Sampling Method: Use purposive sampling to select participants from various backgrounds (e.g., age, marital status, economic status) to capture a range of experiences.

Recruitment: Participants will be recruited through community organizations, social media, and housing forums in Hong Kong.

3. Interview Guide

The interview guide will include open-ended questions grouped into themes. Example questions might include:

Background Information:

Can you tell me about your current housing situation?

What factors influenced your decision to purchase (or not purchase) a home?

Gender Roles:

How do you perceive the role of gender in the housing market?

Have you encountered any gender-specific challenges in your home ownership journey?


Who was involved in the decision-making process when purchasing your home?

How did gender influence the discussions or decisions made?

Barriers and Facilitators:

What barriers have you faced in accessing home ownership?

Are there any resources or supports that helped you overcome these barriers?

4. Interview Process

Conducting Interviews: Each interview will last approximately 45-60 minutes, either in-person or via video conferencing, depending on participant preference.

Recording and Transcription: Obtain consent to record interviews for accurate transcription and analysis.

5. Data Analysis

Thematic Analysis: After transcribing the interviews, conduct thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to gender and home ownership.

Coding Process: Use open coding initially to identify key concepts, followed by axial coding to connect these concepts to broader themes.

Link to Post-Positivism

1. Emphasis on Complexity and Context

Post-positivism recognizes the complexity of social phenomena, such as gender relations in home ownership. Semi-structured interviews allow for a nuanced exploration of participants' experiences and the contextual factors that shape those experiences.

2. Multiple Perspectives

By employing semi-structured interviews, the research captures a range of voices and perspectives, aligning with the post-positivist view that knowledge is multifaceted and subjective. This approach acknowledges that individual narratives provide valuable insights into broader social issues.

3. Tentative Knowledge Construction

The iterative nature of qualitative analysis in semi-structured interviews reflects the post-positivist belief in the fallibility of knowledge. As themes emerge from the data, the research acknowledges that findings may evolve and be subject to reinterpretation.

4. The Role of the Researcher

In line with post-positivism, the researcher’s role is seen as an active participant in the research process. The researcher’s biases and perspectives are acknowledged, and reflexivity is encouraged, enhancing the credibility of the findings.

5. Ethical Considerations

Post-positivism emphasizes ethical implications in research. The semi-structured interview design prioritizes participant consent, confidentiality, and the respectful treatment of sensitive topics related to gender and housing.


Incorporating semi-structured interviews into your research design not only enriches the data collection process but also aligns well with post-positivist principles. This approach will contribute to a thorough understanding of the relationship between gender relations and home ownership in Hong Kong."

My question 3: "What could be the limitations and blind spots of my dissertation proposal when it is based on post-positivism in this case?"

The reply from Chatgpt is : "Here are some potential limitations and blind spots of your dissertation proposal based on post-positivism:


Subjectivity in Interpretation

While post-positivism acknowledges the complexity of social phenomena, the reliance on qualitative methods like semi-structured interviews may introduce subjectivity. Researchers’ interpretations of data can be influenced by their own biases and backgrounds.

Sample Size and Generalizability

The use of a purposive sample of 15-20 participants may limit the generalizability of findings. While qualitative research offers depth, the insights gained may not be representative of the broader population of Hong Kong.

Temporal Context

The findings may be specific to the time period of the research. Changes in socio-economic conditions, housing policies, or gender norms could limit the applicability of the results over time.

Access to Diverse Voices

While aiming for diversity, there may still be underrepresentation of certain groups (e.g., lower-income individuals, LGBTQ+ communities) whose experiences with home ownership are critical to understanding gender relations fully.

Potential for Confirmation Bias

Due to the mixed methods approach, there may be a tendency to focus on data that confirms existing theories or hypotheses about gender and home ownership, potentially overlooking contradictory evidence.

Blind Spots


While the focus is on gender, other intersecting identities (e.g., race, class, age) may not be fully explored. Ignoring these intersections could lead to an incomplete understanding of the dynamics at play in home ownership.

Cultural Context

The unique cultural context of Hong Kong may not be fully captured. Assumptions based on Western frameworks of gender relations might not apply, leading to oversimplified conclusions.

Quantitative Data Limitations

Although mixed methods enhance depth, reliance on quantitative data from external sources may overlook specific local dynamics and nuances that qualitative data could reveal.

Temporal Dynamics of Gender Relations

Gender relations are not static; they evolve over time. A snapshot from interviews may not account for how these dynamics shift, affecting long-term implications for home ownership.

Participant Bias

Participants may present biased accounts influenced by social desirability or fear of judgment, potentially skewing the data collected and the overall findings.


While your proposal is grounded in a robust framework, it's essential to be aware of these limitations and blind spots. Acknowledging them in your dissertation can enhance the rigor of your research and provide a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between gender relations and home ownership in Hong Kong."

Reference: a collection of blog notes on using chatgpt for research purpose.

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