Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A collection of blog notes about ChatGPT (also housing studies-related

A collection of blog notes about ChatGPT (also housing studies-related

  1. e-resources (videos) on ChatGPT. [General]
  2. Some key questions about Housing Studies dissertation projects. [Housing Studies-related]
  3. A note on using an AI tool: for Housing Studies students[Housing Studies-related]
  4. On ChatGPT hallucination: a conversation[General]
  5. Seeking advice on detailed research method plans: a note for Housing Studies students[Housing Studies-related]
  6. Seeking ChatGPT advice for clarification on some dissertation project issues: a note for the part-time Housing Studies students[Housing Studies-related]
  7. Seeking ChatGPT advice on questionnaire survey design: a note for the part-time Housing Studies students[Housing Studies-related]
  8. Seeking ChatGPT for recommendations for literature search queries: a note for Housing Studies students[Housing Studies-related]
  9. Asking ChatGPT to explain the difference between primary and secondary research[General]
  10. Using chatpdf to review academic articles [general]
  11. Using chatpdf to examine a document : note 1(e.g. an annual report). [general]
  12. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students. [Housing Studies-related]
  13. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 2. [Housing Studies-related]
  14. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 3. [Housing Studies-related]
  15. Using chatpdf tp examine an annual report: note 2. [general]
  16. Using chatpdf tp examine an annual report: note 3. [general]
  17. Asking Chatgpt to explain the topic of axiology: a note for Housing Studies students [Housing Studies-related]
  18. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 4[Housing Studies-related]
  19. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 5[Housing Studies-related]
  20. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 6[Housing Studies-related]
  21. Asking ChatGPT to clarify the topic of contextualization for dissertation project planning. [Housing Studies-related]
  22. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 7[Housing Studies-related]
  23. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 8[Housing Studies-related]
  24. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 9. [Housing Studies-related]
  25. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 10[Housing Studies-related]
  26. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 11. [Housing Studies-related]
  27. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 12[Housing Studies-related]
  28. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 13[Housing Studies-related]
  29. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 14[Housing Studies-related]
  30. Asking chatgpt to clarify the topic of critical realism[Housing Studies-related]
  31. Asking chatgpt to clarify the terms of research objective, research aim and research question. [Housing Studies-related]
  32. Asking chatgpt to clarify the topic of social ontology[Housing Studies-related]
  33. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 15[Housing Studies-related]
  34. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 16[Housing Studies-related]
  35. Asking Chatgpt to clarify the topic of ethnomethodology[Housing Studies-related]
  36. Asking chatgpt to advise how to formulate tailor-made research gap statements[Housing Studies-related]
  37. Asking chatgpt to clarify the topic of phenomenology [Housing Studies-related]
  38. Asking chatgpt to advice how to improve learning skills to do dissertation project[Housing Studies-related]
  39. Asking chatgpt to clarify positivism for dissertation project work [Housing Studies-related]
  40. Asking chatgpt to clarify interpretivism for dissertation project work[Housing Studies-related]
  41. Asking chatgpt to clarify pragmatism for dissertation project work[Housing Studies-related]
  42. Asking chatgpt to clarify narrative interview for dissertation project works. [Housing Studies-related]
  43. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 17[Housing Studies-related]
  44. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 18[Housing Studies-related]
  45. Asking chatgpt to clarify the topic of visual methodologies for doing dissertation projects[Housing Studies-related]
  46. Asking chatgpt to explain the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis for research purpose[Housing Studies-related]
  47. Asking chatgpt how to reduce the risk of plagiarism charge when using chatgpt[Housing Studies-related]
  48. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 19[Housing Studies-related]
  49. Using chatpdf to examine an academic article as a research methods study: a note for Housing Studies students: note 20[Housing Studies-related]
  50. Asking chatgpt to clarify how sociological paradigms influence research proposal formulation[Housing Studies-related]
  51. Asking chatgpt to clarify post-positivism in the context of doing research methodology design[Housing Studies-related]
  52. Asking chatgpt to clarify interpretivism and constructivism in the context of formulating research proposal. [Housing Studies-related]
  53. Asking chatgpt to clarify some critical realism concepts[Housing Studies-related]
  54. Asking chatgpt to clarify how different perspectives study housing affordability. [Housing Studies-related]
  55. Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal based on post-positivism[Housing Studies-related]
  56. A review of an academic article (Sept 12a)
  57. A review of an academic article (Sept 12b)
  58. A review of an academic article (Sep 14a)
  59. A review of an academic article (Sep 14b)
  60. A review of an academic article (Sept 17a).
  61. A review of an academic article (Sept 17b).
  62. A review of an academic article (Sept 19a).
  63. Asking pdf-summarizer to study the document on the demographic trend of HK(2021).
  64. Asking pdf-summarizer to study the document on the economic trend of Hog Kong.
  65. Asking chatpdf to study the document on home ownership in Hong Kong.
  66. A review of an academic article (Sept 20a).
  67. A review of an academic article (Sept 20b).
  68. A review of an academic article (Sept 22a).
  69. Asking chatgpt to produce a dissertation proposal based on the conceptual lens of habitus.
  70. Asking chatgpt to derive a proposal from an article: sept 28a.
  71. Asking chatgpt to derive a proposal from an article: sept 28b.
  72. Asking chatgpt to derive a proposal from an article: sept 30a.
  73. Asking chatgpt to explain how the inductive and the deductive approaches are employed in research methods.
  74. Asking chatgpt to explain what hermeneutics can offer for data analysis of narrative interview content.
  75. Asking chatgpt to compare semi-structured interview and narrative interview.
  76. Asking chatgpt to comment on the value of convenience sampling in questionnaire survey.
  77. A note on research methodology, research method and research design.
  78. A note on triangulation by multiple research methods.
  79. Asking chatgpt to propose a research interview based on interpretative phenomenological analysis.
  80. A note on theoretical framework and conceptual framework.
  81. A note on using academic theories in dissertation project work.
  82. A note on qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
  83. A note on qualitative and quantitative data gathering.
  84. A note on research methods evaluation based on different philosophical positions.
  85. A note on online research interview.
  86. A note on qualitative data analysis on interview transcripts. (also study note 2).
  87. Asking chatgpt to offer a survey questionnaire design.
  88. Asking chatgpt to produce a narrative interview design linked to hermeneutics.
  89. Asking chatgpt to produce a desk research design linked to discourse analysis.
  90. Asking chatgpt to produce a questionnaire survey design, informed by the concept of social solidarity.
  91. Askng chatgpt to suggest what academic and practical value a dissertation proposal could have.
  92. Asking chatgpt to explain the practice of reflexive journaling.
  93. Asking chatgpt to explain the practice of confirmability audit.
  94. Asking chatgpt to explain netnography.
  95. Asking chatgpt to explain peer debriefing.
  96. Asking chatgpt to explain Field Research.
  97. Asking chatgpt to explain the terms of research aims, research objectives and research questions.
  98. Asking chatgpt to explain sociological imagination.
  99. Asking chatgpt to explain the topic of positionality.
  100. Asking chatgpt to explain how to do harvard referencing on chaggpt generated content.
  101. Asking chatgpt to produce an introduction section for online survey questionnaire design.
  102. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on social development and homelessness.
  103. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on negative home equity.
  104. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on nano flat.
  105. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on homelessness and usage of the social-ecological model.
  106. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on quality of residential life and humanism.
  107. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on housing affordability and social justice.
  108. Asking chatgpt to make a proposal on housing affordability and social mobility.
  109. Asking chatgpt to explain content analysis.
  110. Asking chatgpt to explain photovoice and photo elicitation.
  111. A proposal on quality of residential life and photovoice.
  112. A study note on archival research.
  113. A dissertation proposal on intersectionality and negative home equity.
  114. A proposal on intergenerational living, quality of residential life and intersectionality.
  115. A briefing on research philosophies.
  116. A briefing on how a research philosophy affect a research method design.
  117. A proposal example on social class and home ownership planning.
  118. A proposal example on quality of residential life and domestic violence.
  119. A proposal example on residential satisfaction.
  120. A proposal example on housing affordability with the housing deficit theory.
  121. A proposal example on housing quality and mental health.
  122. A proposal example on housing policy and housing affordability.
  123. Asking chatgpt to suggest academic theories for literature review.
  124. Asking chatgpt to explain qualitative content analysis, including ethnographic content analysis.
  125. Asking chatgpt to compare two research methods for research methodology design.
  126. Asksing chatgpt to compare two research methods for research methodology design: example 2.
  127. Asking chatgpt to act as personal tutor to support doing an assignment.
  128. A note on paradigms adopted in Housing Studies.
  129. A note on social science.
  130. A note on the qualitative research method quality criteria of credibility and transferability.
  131. A note on literature synthesis and conceptual framework construction.
  132. A note on document study and desk research: when to use which one.
  133. A note on a housing policy article: about contextualization and research design quality criteria.
  134. A note on the evaluation criteria to use for research method selection.
  135. Conducting literature review tasks with an article on precariousness of mental wellbeing: housing studies.
  136. Conducting literature review tasks with an article on live-work housing conditions: housing studies.
  137. A study of Toulmin model of argumentation in an article: 01.
  138. An evaluation of an article on its argument: 02.
  139. An evaluation of an article on its argument: 03.
  140. An examination of the literature review of an article 01.
  141. An examination of the literature review of an article 02.

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