Perplexity related collection
- A collection of notes on Business Management
- A collection of notes on Housing Studies
- A collection of notes on Accounting and Finance.
- Using perplexity to perform desk research.
- How to firm up a dissertation proposal with perplexity.
- A note on substantive theory vs formal theory.
- A note on formative assessment vs summative assessment.
- A note on contextualization.
- A note on social facts.
- A note on micro and macro theories
- A note on verstehen in qualitative research.
- A note on the middle class.
- A study note on literature synthesis and conceptual framework construction.
- A study note on scientific progress.
- A study on the literature review at the individual theory level: guideline note.
- A note on axiology.
- A note on harvard referencing for AI generated contents.
- A note on some terms in correlation analysis.
- A note on literature review approaches.
- A note on how to include variables into a multiple regression formula.
- A note on interpretivism as a research philosophy.
- A note on positivism as a research philosophy.
- A note on pragmatism as a research philosophy.
- A note on critical realism as a research philosophy.
- A note on the reasoning approaches in research.
- A note on research interviews.
- A set of notes on research philosophies.
- A note on observational research.
- A note on questionnaire survey.
- A note on quantitative research.
- A note on qualitative research.
- A note on mixed methods research.
- A collection of notes on research approaches.
- A collection of notes on research methods.
- A note on preliminary literature review.
- A note on theory, theory building and theory testing.
- A note on the literature review task.
- A collection of notes on literature review.
- A note on the Toulmin model of argumentation.
- A note on the research method of focus group.
- A note on narrative inquiry.
- A note on time-constrained participant observation.
- A note on the case study research methodology.
- A note on the grounded theory.
- A note on the mono, multi and mixed research approaches.
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