Sunday, January 31, 2016

A study of work-life balance for managerial intellectual learning in Hong Kong

A study of work-life balance for managerial intellectual learning in Hong Kong
Joseph Kim-Keung Ho
Independent Trainer
Hong Kong, China
Dated: February 1, 2016
In the study of managerial intellectual learning by Ho (2013; 2014a; 21014b), a key issue is what factors influence a manager’s intellectual learning process. This led to the theoretical formulation of Managerial Intellectual Learning Capability-building Mechanism (Ho, 2014b). It has been suggested that such a mechanism involves the factor of dynamic work-life balance management.  This paper examines, as an intellectual exercise, more closely how work-life balance could affect managerial intellectual learning. A brief pilot survey has been conducted using the writer’s Face-based social network with his Hong Kong students to gather some preliminary findings. The findings facilitate further exploration on this topic of relationship between work-life balance and managerial intellectual learning. In general, the preliminary findings indicate that most of the writer’s student-respondents feel that their work-life balance status is largely satisfactory and that work-life balance status does not have impacts on managerial intellectual learning, job performance and quality of life. Nevertheless, the research design and research findings, based on a small non-random sample, are not good enough to support further statistical analysis with external validity. Meanwhile, the survey research findings, being inconclusive, display the complexity as well as idiosyncrasy of the relationship between work-life balance, professional development and management education study effort (as a surrogate measure on managerial intellectual learning), quality of working life and quality of life/ authentic happiness.
Key words:    Facebook-based questionnaire survey, Managerial intellectual learning (MIL), Managerial Intellectual Learning Capability-building Mechanism (MILCBM), Work-life balance (WLB)

The topic of the managerial intellectual learning (MIL) has been studied by this writer, which resulted in the publication of three papers published in the journal of European Academic Research, i.e.,:
·       Ho (2013) on the basic managerial intellectual learning process (MIL) framework that is systems-based.
·       Ho (2014a) on the notion of Multi-perspective, Systems-based (MPSB) cognitive filter for management and its relationship with the managerial intellectual learning process.
·       Ho (2014b) on the notion of the Managerial Intellectual Learning Capability-Building Mechanism (MILCBM) for propelling the managerial intellectual learning process.

In this paper, the writer further explores how an individual’s work-life balance (WLB) status is related to the MILCBM, thus shedding more light on how WLB could influence an individual’s managerial intellectual learning process. Knowing how WLB affects an individual’s MIL should inform an individual’s endeavour to manage his/her MIL process more effectively. The discussion in this paper is based on the writer’s literature review effort and some recent Facebook-based questionnaire survey’s findings in Hong Kong.

For further information, pls click on this link

An earlier version of the paper was published in European Academic Research as: Ho, J.K.K. 2014. “An examination of the underlying concern of work-life balance for managerial intellectual learning” European Academic Research 2(6) September: 7516-7536.

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