Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A rough attempt to use cognitive mapping to explore "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]"

A rough attempt to use cognitive mapping to explore "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]". The purpose is to demonstrate how to support exploratory reflection and learning on the topic for doing Housing Research Methods assignment for my students.

I have produced a rough sketch of my [partial] impression on the the topic of "the covid-19 impacts on housing affordability [HK]" in the form of a cognitive map, as follows:

The cognitive map items are as follows:

Item 1. Impacts due to covid-19
Item 2. Impact of the lock-down policy
Item 3. Impacts on the service sector, notably on tourism
Item 4. Impact on consumer behavior
Item 5. Impact of labor supply
Item 6. Impact on work-from-home practice
Item 7. Disruption to supply chain
Item 8. Burden on government spending
Item 9. Impact on inflation rate
Item 10. Impact on building [e.g. house] construction
Item 11. Impact on GDP
Item 12. Impact on interest rate
Item 13. Impact on house supply
Item 14. Impact on house demand
Item 15. Impact on housing affordability

Students should construct their own cognitive map in response to more specific research project scope, e.g. with regard to a specific district and/or social group. There should be some preliminary research efforts, e.g. desk research, to inform the cognitive map construction by the students.

A list of study note on using cognitive mapping to study a housing studies' topic

A list of study note on using cognitive mapping to study a housing studies' topic

Note 1. On homelessness of a girl in Tokyo

Note 2. On homelessness in California

Note 3. On "defective" home ownership (Australia)

Note 4. On housing affordability HK (news article study)

Note 5. On impact of covid-19 HK (news article study)

Note 6a. An exploratory exercise to examine the impact of covid-19 on housing affordability (HK) : techniques for class exercise

Note 6b. An exploratory exercise to examine the impact of covid-19 on housing affordability (HK): a rough sketch

Friday, July 14, 2023

A reading list of the academic-oriented dissertation project type in the ALRA study

 A reading list of the academic-oriented dissertation project type in the ALRA study:

  1. Two types of dissertation projects.
  2. Deliverables of the ALRA for academic-oriented MBA projects.
  3. A note on the research gap translation exercise to firm up a research gap idea.
  4. Illustrative examples on the 4 ALRA deliverables. (MBA)/ the examples for Housing Studies.
  5. Extracting practical value from an academic-oriented dissertation project.
  6. On the theory measurement unit in the theory-based research gap-translation process.
  7. Table of content template
  8. The chain of evidence structure
  9. A synopsis template, and a fake sample.
  10. A fake proposal sample.
  11. How the literature review process is guided.
  12. Research gap analysis from the usability perspective.
  13. Patterns of theoretical frame-A
  14. Three exercises to construct theoretical framework-As.
  15. An overall view of the ALRA for academic-oriented dissertatin projects
  16. Two exercises to construct a theoretical framework [for housing studies]
  17. Items highlighting in theoretical framework construction.
  18. On the academic literature tree (ALRT).
  19. Literature review steps and the associated ALRA deliverables.
  20. On the lightweight approach.
  21. Two illustrative examples on the formulation of research gap statements and the derived research objective statements
  22. The life history of an academic literature review tree branch.
  23. The chain of evidence practice for the academic-oriented project type.
  24. Options of the dissertation project profile with regard to its overall research objective.
  25. Research gap and objective statement formulation: a note.
  26. A note on the research gap translation diagram
  27. Types of tree branch in the academic literature review tree.
  28. Formulation of research gap statement: an example on corporate merger and acquisition.
  29. On the literature review task for the construction of an academic literature review tree.
  30. On the task for the construction of an academic literature review tree-b.
  31. On the construction of research gap statements with regard to the entrepreneurship and startup topic.
  32. To uncover the academic literature review tree from an academic article.
  33. On the topics of scientific progress and knowledge accumulation in relations to the research gap analysis.
  34. A tool to organize the discussion of research approaches in dissertation report writing.
  35. A note on the first layer of the onion model (research philosophy) and how to relate it to the agile literature review approach practice.
  36. On the WIP dissertation content review worksheet.
  37. An illustration to come up with research gap statements via an academic article review.
  38. Steps to construct initial research gap statements and research objective statements with regard to the number of references to use.
  39. Asking Chatgpt to provide concise research gap statements.
  40. Asking chatgpt to advise how to formulate tailor-made research gap statements.
  41. A proposal guideline and examples related to the academic-oriented dissertation type.: guideline; proposal example 1; proposal example 2.
  42. The three ALRA deliverables and the relevant AI tools' support.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Collection of the agile literature review approach (MBA) notes: 2023

Collection of the agile literature review approach (ALRA) (MBA) notes: 2023:

1. on embryonic ALRA diagramming: an illustration.

2. How to refine dissertation proposal ideas at the embryonic stage.: with regard to the business sector/ industry level.

3. On the know-how to review and synthesize academic ideas in theoretical framework level-1a.

4. A note on ALRA diagram zone 2 item formulation.

5. Deliverables of the ALRA for academic-oriented MBA projects.

6. A note on the research gap translation exercise to firm up a research gap idea.

7. Illustrative examples on the 4 ALRA deliverables.

8. Extracting practical value from an academic-oriented dissertation project.

9. On the theory measurement unit in the theory-based research gap-translation process.

10. A collection of notes on the academic-oriented project type.

11. A comparison table on the academic-oriented and the consulting-oriented project types.

12. Theoretical frameworks (composite type) construction: 2 exercises.

13. On a holistic view on research objectives and research questions.

14. An illustration on how to convert a factual statement into a proper management-concern item. (example 1); also another note on example 2. and example 3.

15. The long and short forms of management-concerns items: a note.

16. A class exercise on zoning in the ALRA.

17. The ALRA way on research conceptualization.

18. Research methods to use for socially isolated students.

19. On the focused way on research conceptualization.